Curriculum Intent

Our aim is to evangelise the Catholic faith, whilst reflecting the overall aims, values, and philosophy of our school.  Religious Education develops and inspires our children to be tolerant, independent and positive citizens, strong in faith with a deep and confident appreciation of the Catholic Church. Religious Education is central to our mission and our ultimate goal is for each individual to know God better.


Religious Education is taught using the ‘Come and See’ programme. We devote 2.5 hours of RE teaching each week. Lessons use scripture and Gospel values to encourage children to explore their own faith and create opportunities to question, discuss and debate religious content. Each class plan and prepare collective worship and we gather together several times a week for whole school collective worship.

The religious programme, ‘Come and See’ is the core RE scheme at St Bede’s Catholic Academy. Our curriculum is adapted to make meaningful to our children and where possibly we try to make our curriculum real and link to their own experiences.

Religious Education is a core subject of our curriculum, teaching and learning in RE makes up 10% of curriculum time. It is taught rigorously with the same expectations as other core subjects whilst maintaining a creative element and encouraging children to question and reflect.

Each term pupils’ study three topics, each lasting four weeks following a common theme across the school. As the children move through school this theme is developed further, appropriate to the pupil’s age and stage of learning.

 The structure of the 4 week topic consists of:

Explore (1 Week)

  • Introduces the topic
  • The children’s life experience is explored
  • Questions raised are wondered at, shared, investigated and reflected upon
  • Focus on AT2 Reflection on meaning.


Reveal (2 Weeks)

  • Heart of the programme
  • Knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith revealed through Scripture, Tradition, doctrine, prayers, rites and Christian living
  • Focus on AT1 Knowledge and Understanding & AT2 Reflection on Meaning

Respond (1 Week)

  • Learning is remembered, celebrated and responded to in daily life

Other Faiths

Judaism is taught in the Autumn Term.

Islam is taught in the Summer Term.