At St Bede’s Catholic Academy, we plan our ICT and computing curriculum to ensure that it is fully inclusive to every child and their learning needs. Our aim is to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 for computing. We provide a broad, balanced and differentiation computing curriculum that incorporates all skills and knowledge needed to operate a range of technology.


At St Bede’s Catholic Academy, all children have the right to a rich, interactive and comprehensive computing curriculum and lessons. We recognise that technology is an integral part of today’s society and has many uses and purposes. We understand that as a school we must equip children with the appropriate ICT and computing skills for future life in this ever-changing technological world. We believe that a high-quality computing education allows children to think creatively and use technology purposefully and appropriately, in everyday life. At Bede’s we introduce the children to a wide range of technology from the Early Years through to Year 6 including laptops, iPads and Interactive Whiteboards that they use throughout the curriculum to practise taught skills. Children also learn about important days such as National Safer Internet Day and where ever possible we seek to find live events, talks, visitors and real-life experiences of Computing. The purpose of this is to ensure that when children leave St Bede’s they are computer literate and able to successfully use a range of technology at a level suitable to help them succeed in future education and work.

Our high-quality teaching equips pupils with the ability to:

  • Use ICT to communicate and handle and present information
  • Use ICT to design, develop, explore and evaluate models of real or imaginary situations
  • Use ICT to measure and control physical variables and movement
  • Use ICT to make informed judgements about ICT applications and their effect on the quality of life for society and the individual
  • Use a variety of resources, both hardware and software, to extend their knowledge and ability in all curriculum areas
  • Develop an understanding of the specialised vocabulary used in ICT
  • Use ICT equipment to create and debug programs
  • To develop knowledge of algorithms, how to use them and construct their own using logical thinking.


At St Bede’s, computing is taught as a discrete lesson for 60 minutes weekly, through the Purple Mash scheme. This is either one 60-minute session or two 30-minute sessions. Teachers may also use computing skills to support cross curricular activities where appropriate e.g through the use of interactive games, quizzes, apps, researching online, using programs to create pictures etc. This should not limit the scheme coverage. The scheme focuses on the progression of skills in the three key areas of computing, Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy from Year 1-6.


As a result of our high-quality computing curriculum and teaching, children will be able to recognise and use technology in a range of ways. They will become computer literate and have the skills to learn and live in our technological society. They will be able to use a range of devices to retrieve, manipulate and present information using images, sounds and programs. They will also be able to use, construct and debug algorithms on programs. They will also understand the important of E-safety and ways to keep themselves safe online.

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Other useful links for parents and carers: